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Ed Tech Thoughts from the Space Coast
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Ed Tech Thoughts from the Space Coast

These resources are somewhat mixed because the iPod Touch, iPhone and iPad run the OS and have a large overlap in features, navigation, many apps will run on all three devices.

Guide for Getting Started With iPod Touch Devices and iPads

Guide for iPod Touch Devices Teaching & Learning
Getting Started with the iPod Touch

Guide for iPads Teaching & Learning
Getting Started with the iPod Touch

Apple's Curated Education Apps

Accessibility for Challenged Learners

This set of features is available to all iPad, iPod Touch*, and iPhone users
Many of the other accessibility features the iPod Touch has are built in:
Screen Reader for Vision Challenged Learners
Assistance for Hearing Challenged Learners
Aid for those with Motor Skill Challenges

*4th Generation, Voice feature requires 32 GB or 64 GB iPod Touch

Podcasts and Ready Made Resources

Middle / Jr. High School Level Resources
Since I teach at the middle school level, I will start this list with things I have found interesting or useful.

Samples of Student Produced Podcasts

Content for All Grade Levels
Florida Department of Education iTunes Page
Lit To Go from the University of South Florida (free classic audio books)

Educational Technology Podcasts

Managing Classroom Sets of iPods

Hardware Solutions for managing more than one iPod:
Bretford Cart Solutions
Bretford's New Portable Case
TriBeam's Solutions
Parasync Charge and Sync Solution
Make a multiple charger yourself by daisy-chaining USB hubs
Using the Multi-iPod Cart/Case Hub System
Idea's for Syncing Classroom Sets
Some Classroom Deployment Ideas from iPod Users Wiki
Classroom iPod touches: Dos and Don'ts
iPod User's Group Wiki

Using iPod Touches as Student Response Systems

Technology is always changing... one of my favorite new Educational Apps is the eClicker Host. Read about it here.
Use as a Response System
Any accessible web-based form generator can be used (except if it depends on Flash):
Poll Everywhere
Survey Gizmo
Google Forms

Curriculum Management Systems for Touch Deployments

Lots of Ideas!

To get an overview of how the iOS devices are impacting the classroom here is a good starting point:

Apps for Education:

iPod Touch resources for educators
Learning in Hand:
iPods (Tony Vincent's resources for using an iPod Touch in the Classroom)

iPodject (Josh Mika's resources for using iPods in the classroom)
iPodject Home: htt
Podject blog and video presentation: http://ipodject.edublogs.org/

Lisa Thumann's iPod Touch resources:

Planeten Paultje's lists of iPhone applications for education (great for Science Geeks!):

iEar (iEducation Apps Review by Scott Meech):

Cheryl Davis - Acalanes Union High School District

Google Spreadsheet of Recommended Apps:

Web page of one of our Apple Professional Development trainers for iPod Touches:

Web page of another Apple Distinguished Educator’s links for Touch in Education

100 Awesome Time-Saving iPhone Apps for Students and Web Workers

100 Ways to Use Your iPod to Learn and Study Better
The Apple-developed music player now features all kinds of accessories to help you study better, and now other companies are in a rush to get their designs in sync with the iPod. Pre-teens, college kids and even adults are taking advantage of the educational benefits an iPod affords them. From downloadable podcasts to just-for-iPod study guides and applications, learning on the go has never been easier.


Technical Enterprise Configuration Tools

For those of you interested in setting up large groups of iPods for enterprise deployment, there are some special tools and guidelines here.

Creating an iTunes Account without a Credit Card

In iTunes click on the iTunes Store
Check to make sure that no one is logged in. (Up in the right corner it should say ‘Sign In’)
Start by finding an app that is free. One of my favorites that you will want anyway is Dragon Diction. You can type Dragon in the top right corner search field (with the magnifying glass).
Choose iPad Apps: Dragon Dictation
Click the ‘Free App’ button
A pop-up will come up “Sign In to Download from the iTunes Store”
Select the button ‘Create New Account’
Agree to Terms, click Continue
Fill out school email address for your Apple ID and rest
Continue and you should this page where you choose ‘None’. From this point on each time you want to get apps, you will need to provide a school purchase code or gift card code unless the app is free.
Pasted Graphic

Reading and Literacy on the iPad

Top iPad Children's Booklist Reviewed by Kirkus Reviews
Full list of the iPad Children's Books they have reviewed

Music Education & iOS

  • One of the premier music educators in Australia has some great resources. Props always to Megan Iemma!

Evaluation for Memorial

Please Fill out this short evaluation for my manager and Apple to know how this workshop went.